Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Why Cancer is Dangerous ?

Lung Cancer
When cancerous cells multiply, they form clumps called tumors. Tumors can interfere with important body processes. Cancer of the lungs, for instance, interferes with breathing. Cancer of the stomach interferes with digesting food.

Cancerous cells can also spread to other parts of the body. Then new tumors form. This spreading is called metastasis. Cancer that has metastasized is the most dangerous. When cancer attacks several parts of the body, it is hard to stop.

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Thursday, January 20, 2011

What is Cancer ?

Cancer—it’s scary word, and a scary disease. Cancer kills a lot of people all over the world. Only heart disease kills more Americans.

But there’s good news too. Millions of people who have had cancer are still alive. Doctors have learned a great deal about treating and preventing cancer.

What is Cancer ?

Cancer can attack any part of the body, including the lungs, shown here. Normal lung tissue is light pink in color, but cancerous lung tissue caused by smoking turns black.

Cancer is not a single disease. It includes more than 100 different diseases. They may affect any part of the body. But they have one thing in common. They are all caused by cells that are out of control.

All living things are made up of cells. An adult human body has about 30 trillion cells—that’s 30,000,000,000,000! Cells reproduce (make more cells) by dividing in half. In an adult body, about 25 million cells divide every second. That’s how the body heals itself.

Sometimes a cell goes out of control and divides over and over. And that’s what cancer is—unhealthy cells, growing and reproducing out of control. These cells are said to be cancerous.
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Thursday, January 6, 2011

What Do Bones Do ?

Squeeze your arm. The outside of your arm is soft, but there is a hard part inside. The hard part is a bone. There are bones in your arms and in your legs. Bones go up the middle of your back. They go around your chest. All of your bones together make up your skeleton. Your skeleton holds your body up.It gives your body its shape. Bones do many other important jobs in your body.


Your body contains 206 bones of various shapes and sizes. Bones protect your internal organs and support your body as you stand, sit, walk, and run.

Many bones protect the soft parts inside your body. Skull bones around your head protect your brain. Rib bones make a cage around your chest. Your rib cage protects your lungs and heart.

Muscles hook on to bones. Muscles pull on your bones to make them move. Muscles and bones together let you stand, sit, and walk around.

Blood is made in the center of bones. The center of a bone is filled with bone marrow. Bone marrow is soft. Red and white blood cells are made by bone marrow. Red blood cells carry oxygen to all parts of your body. White blood cells help your body fight germs.

Three tiny bones help you hear. The three bones are deep inside your ears. One of these bones is called the stirrup bone. It is the smallest bone in your body.
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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Benefits of Exercise

Exercise is a big part of staying physically fit. People who are physically fit are alert and full of energy. Exercise can also help people handle stress. Exercise is especially good for children, teens, and older persons.

Doctors say that regular aerobic exercise leads to a healthier heart. Jogging, walking, riding a bicycle, and other aerobic exercises lower the risk of heart disease. In one kind of heart disease, fatty stuff called plaque builds up in blood vessels going to the heart. Aerobic exercise helps prevent this buildup. Aerobic exercise also makes the heart and lungs stronger.

Doctors say you should do 20 to 30 minutes of aerobic exercise at least three times a week. You need to exercise hard enough to get your heart beating faster than normal. You can feel your heart beating. Use two fingers to feel a beat, or pulse, in your wrist or neck.


Some kinds of exercise are better at increasing strength than others. Usually people work out with weights if they want to improve their muscle strength. They use free weights, weights that are not attached to anything, such as barbells. Or they use strength-training machines. Strength training can also make bones stronger.

It is a good idea to have a trainer or physical education teacher show you how to lift weights properly. It is important not to injure yourself when lifting weights. Start out with small weights. Try lifting heavier and heavier weights as your muscles get stronger.


Aerobic exercise can help you lose weight. It can help you stay at a healthy weight. Aerobic exercise burns calories.

A calorie is a unit of measurement. It measures the amount of energy in foods. It measures the amount of energy your body uses.

When you take in the same number of calories that you burn every day, your weight stays the same. If you take in more calories than you burn, you gain weight. If you take in fewer calories than you burn, you lose weight. Regular exercise helps you burn calories.

Strength training may also help with weight control. Lifting weights burns calories. Lifting weights also makes more muscle in your body. Muscles burn more calories than fat.


Stretching exercises can make your body more flexible. There are stretches for your arms, legs, neck, and trunk. Many people do slow exercises and stretches called yoga to make their bodies more flexible. A physical education teacher can show you how to do stretches.

You should do warm-up stretches before you do aerobic or anaerobic exercises. You should do cool-down stretches when you are finished exercising. Warm-up and cool-down stretches can help prevent muscle injuries.
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Monday, January 3, 2011

What is Osteoporosis ?

Osteoporosis, bone condition characterized by a decrease in density, resulting in bones that are more porous and more easily fractured than normal bones. Fractures of the wrist, spine, and hip are most common; however, all bones can be affected. Osteoporosis primarily affects women, who account for nearly 80 percent of all cases.

White and Asian women are the most susceptible, but women of other races are also at considerable risk. Other risk factors include low calcium intake, a thin build, inadequate physical activity, certain drugs, such as corticosteroids , cigarette smoking, alcohol, and a family history of the disease.

Osteoporosis occurs after middle age. In young people, bones are constantly broken down and reformed. The rate of bone formation exceeds the rate at which bones are broken down. After middle age, the rate of bone formation slows, causing the bones to gradually become thinner and more porous. Here, a portion of a bone showing signs of osteoporosis (right) is contrasted with a portion of a healthy bone (left). Bones weakened by osteoporosis are much more vulnerable to fracture than are denser healthy bones.

The most common form of the disease, primary osteoporosis, includes postmenopausal , or estrogen-deficient, osteoporosis (Type I), which is observed in women whose ovaries have ceased to produce the hormone estrogen; age-related osteoporosis (Type II), which affects those over the age of 70; and idiopathic osteoporosis, a rare disorder of unknown cause that affects premenopausal women and men who are middle-aged or younger. Secondary osteoporosis may be caused by bone disuse as a result of paralysis or other conditions, including weightlessness in space; endocrine and nutritional disorders, including anorexia nervosa; specific disease processes; and certain drug therapies.

Recent research has shown that the development of osteoporosis is also related to a gene that determines the type of vitamin D receptor (VDR) a person inherits. The VDR gene exists in two forms, one of which produces a receptor that stores calcium more efficiently than the other. People who inherit two copies of the more efficient VDR gene develop high bone densities. Those who inherit two copies of the less efficient gene have somewhat less strong bones.

While there is currently no cure for osteoporosis, it is preventable in most people. Preventive measures include maintaining a balanced diet rich in calcium and vitamin D, weight-bearing exercise, and avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol. Hormone replacement therapy can be used to prevent and treat osteoporosis. Drugs used in treatment include raloxifene, calcitonin, and alendronate. To monitor a patient’s response to treatment, many physicians administer bone scans to determine bone density one or two times a year.
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Sunday, January 2, 2011

What Happens to Broken Bones ?

Sometimes people have accidents that break bones. Maybe they fall out of a tree or down a flight of stairs. Sometimes football players or other athletes break bones when they are playing sports.

A doctor has to fix a broken bone. First, an X-ray picture shows the doctor what the broken pieces of bone look like. Then, the doctor fits the broken parts of the bone back together. This is called setting the bone. Sometimes a broken bone must be put back together with wires or pins.

A broken bone should not be used until it is healed. The doctor makes a hard case called a cast for an arm or leg with a broken bone. New bone starts to grow around the break. The pieces grow together and heal the broken bone.
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